Thursday 13 October 2011

Bright skies

What a gorgeous Melbourne day.
Our early morning jog was...invigorating! These days my resistance only lasts for around half the jog. When I started back on this jogging journey around 10 weeks ago every single step of the way was a struggle. With our first fun run under our belts (we ran 5k as part of the Melbourne Marathon on the weekend) we're jogging with more confidence that we'll actually be able to make it to the end and enjoy our morning coffee without collapsing somewhere in between.
The skyline was so pink and peaceful. Coming around the bend at Ormond Point reveals my favorite Melbourne cityscape. This morning it was topped off with a timely hot air balloon hovering above.

Then, there were letters to post, washing & shopping to be done, lunch here with the L.F. and a new summer top sewed together ( part..above). Z is feeling better and back to his beautiful, bright, inquisitive self. Now I'm hoping we can squeeze in a family bike ride early evening. Hope, hope, hope. x

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